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 Your task is to use any of our WLHS Media Center databases (login – WLHS; password - raider) to research and build background knowledge on:  

  1. causes of or reasons for the creation of Japanese Internment camps (government/WWII history and events)   
  2. systematic process of the development of Japanese Internment camps AND the placement of Japanese individuals (government’s role, organization of camp placement for families, possible timeline);
  3. conditions of Japanese Internment camps (specifically the treatment innocent civilians received and were forced to endure in the Japanese Internment camps);
  4. reasons the Japanese Internment camps were closed and what happened to the families after they were released from Japanese Internment camps (trials/legal action, payments, restitution, etc.);
  5. psychological effects of: fear, grief and/or grieving process,  displacement;
  6. genocide (the stages of it; current or recent examples of genocides other than the Holocaust – maybe Rwanda, Cambodia, etc.)
  7. how and why individuals or groups are marginalized and/or ostracised - turning a minority group into a scapegoat to alleviate our fears and reduce guild (students designed choice)


Getting Started:

You may want to start your search within our online catalog.  Here you will find both print and eBooks.


Search Key Terms! 


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Basic overview of the Japanese American Internment

Use the following links to gain an overview of what the Internment was.  Use it to understand what the background surrounding the internment. Get an understanding of the events and then use the links to our databases to learn more.

wikipedia            Image result for history channel   Image result for national archives logo


Now use the databases to gather more in-depth knowledge.


Here are a few Databases that will really help get you started.

Don't forget Advanced Search and your Database Tool Bars!

Britannica OnlineOverview of the topic.


Getting More Detailed...




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