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This assignment is designed for you to analyze the motives and logic (or absence of it) in either Macbeth or Lady Macbeth in order to understand human behavior. Focus: What triggers our actions? What causes our loss of logical behavior and/or impacts our decision making? 


Getting Started:

As you begin your research, you may find it helpful to have a place to start.  Below I have listed the Dewey Decimal Classification Numbers for the overarching topics of research. 


Call Numbers:

Psychology 150

Social Psychology 150

Abnormal Psychology 616

Criminal Psychology 614


Below is the link to our library online catalog.  Use this link to find any usable print resources.


Desinty   Image result for gale ebooks

Print Resources

The books listed below are reference books and are a good place to start your research.  They will provide overviews of the topic, allowing you to build a basic understanding of the topic.


Ref 616.89 MEN 

Bellenir, Karen. Mental Health Disorders Sourcebook: Basic Consumer Health Information about Mental and Emotional Health and Mental Illness, including Facts about Depression, Bipolar Disorder, and Other Mood Disorders ... Detroit, MI: Omnigraphics, 2005. Print. 

  • Contains basic information for the layperson about mental health disorders, providing medical explanations of schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, and other afflictions, and offers advice on treatment options.

REF 150 PSY V.1

Psychology. Danbury, CT: Grolier Educational, 2002. Print. 

  • Contains articles that examine various aspects of psychology, covering the historical development of the field, the brain and the mind, thinking and knowing, and developmental, social, and abnormal psychology; and includes summaries of key points, definitions of terms, case studies, and biographies.

 REF 150 ENC

Adams, Nina. Psychology Encyclopedia. Guilford, CT: Dushkin Pub. Group, 1973. Print. 

REF 920 NOR 

 Nordby, Vernon J., and Calvin S. Hall. A Guide to Psychologists and Their Concepts. San Francisco: W.H. Freeman; Trade Distributor: Scribner, New York, 1974. Print. 


Strickland, Bonnie, ed. The Gale Encyclopedia of Psychology. 2nd ed. Detroit: Gale, 2001. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 10 Dec. 2015.


Online Resources

Getting Started:

The following online resources can be used two ways.   

  1. Generate a list of search terms.
  2. Locate information needed for your research.

Simply follow the directions next to the links.

Gale General One File Once you have logged in to General OneFile: Use the Topic Finder Tab on the right hand side of the tool bar.

Use the Topic Finder Search Bar to look up your key terms.

A pinwheel will generate on the left hand side with more terms that you can add to your list. 

Articles for each term will also appear.


Our Databases:

Britannica Online School Edition     Gale Health and Wellness Resource Center      Gale Science InContext   Gale Rosen Teen Health and Wellness


   Gale Psychology Collection



UConn Databases:

UConn LibrariesYou will need your ECE Net ID and Password. 

Databases to try:

  • Literature
    • Literature Resource Center
  • Psychology



Extra Online Resources:  Connecticut’s re-search engine. Here you will find journal, magazine, and newspaper articles for Connecticut public, K12, and academic libraries and their users. We also offer a collection of downloadable eAudios and eBooks for Connecticut residents with valid CT public library card numbers.


Psychology TodayRecent mental health news and archives.


IP ​Expert Guides intended to help you get started doing research on a particular topic


Teacher Resources

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