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Before you begin reading, Sherman Alexie's The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, we would like you to research and build background knowledge in order to better understand the character and the situations he faces.
Learning Target: I can enhance my background knowledge surrounding the topics discussed in the upcoming novel by:
collecting relevant information from multiple sources and
synthesizing the information in a way that is appropriate for my audience.
As you begin your research, you may find it helpful to have a place to start. Below I have listed the Dewey Decimal Classification Numbers for Native Americans. I have also included a list of key terms you can enter in your search engine or search bar.
"Native Americans in the United States." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 27 Oct. 2014. Web. 27 Oct. 2014.
"Native American Cultures." A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 26 Oct. 2014.
"Reservation." Children of the Sun. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Oct. 2016.
"Spokane People." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 18 Oct. 2016.
"Spokane Indian Tribe."Spokane Indian Tribe. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Oct. 2016.
Getting Started: For your topic, answer the questions below. It is up to your group how you organize and present this information. You should include photographs, illustrations, or videos to help your audience understand your material. You can always add more info than what is listed below, but be sure to cover at least that information. Find your group and topic and start researching!
1. Sherman Alexie: The author.
Who is he? Where was he born and raised?
What are some of Alexie’s accomplishments?
What does Alexie like to write about? Why?
What other major works has he created?
Has he won any awards? For what?
What inspired him to write this novel?
Why is Alexie considered a Native American activist?
What other interesting information did you find?
2. Spokane Indian Reservation: The novel’s setting.
Where is the Reservation located? When did it become a reservation?
Who lives there? Why were reservations set up in America?
What is the Indian Removal Act?
What is the Dawes Act?
Locate and share demographics for the area
Population, cost of living, climate, etc.
What services are offered on the Reservation??
What is the Bureau of Indian Affairs? What do they do?
What other interesting information did you find?
3. Spokane Tribe: The main character’s tribe.
What is the history of the Tribe?
What is their current government like?
What goals does the Tribe have?
What is daily life like for a member of the Spokane Tribe?
Who are some notable members of the Tribe?
What are some of the Tribe’s traditions?
How does the Tribe preserve their culture in the modern world?
What other interesting information did you find?
4. Schools on a Reservation vs. Public School: The main point of contention.
What is life like at a school on a reservation?
Compare and contrast a reservation school with a public school
What is the Spokane Tribe Education Department’s belief? What do they offer for education?
Both schools mentioned in the book are real schools. Research the following:
What is Wellpinit High School like?
What is their school mission?
How many students attend?
What is their basketball team like?
What is Reardan High School like?
What is their school mission?
How many students attend?
How do test scores compare?
How many students go on to attend college?
What other interesting information did you find?
5. Coping with Death and Grief: The main character’s major struggle.
What are the stages of grief?
What is the psychology of grief? How does it affect the brain?
How does grief affect the body?
How do some people react to the stress of loss?
What emotions can emerge regarding the death of a loved one?
When should a person seek outside and/or professional help?
How is grief treated?
How is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy used?
What is chronic stress?
What can it cause?
How is it diagnosed?
Do teens deal with grief differently than adults?
What other interesting information did you find?
Remember, your 7-minute presentation should consist of the following:
Information from at least 5 credible sources,
A video clip, and
Citations for anything used in your presentation.