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Getting Started


Before you begin reading Angie Thomas's The Hate U Givewe would like you to research and build background knowledge in order to better understand the character and the situations she faces. 

Learning Target: I can enhance my background knowledge surrounding the topics discussed in the upcoming novel by:

  • collecting relevant information from multiple sources and 

  • synthesizing the information in a way that is appropriate for my audience.


Getting Started:

You may want to start your search within our online catalog.  Here you will find both print and eBooks.


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Britannica     Biography   World News     issues in controversies   Gale in Context High School     Gale OneFile: Criminal Justice   Gale OneFile: Diversity Studies 



National Gang Centerâ„¢   wikipedia   Black Lives Matter  The Prindle Post   The Prindle Post


Questions To Think About

Getting Started: For your topic, answer the questions below. It is up to your group how you organize and present this information. You should include photographs, illustrations, or videos to help your audience understand your material. You can always add more info than what is listed below, but be sure to cover at least that information. Find your group and topic and start researching! 


1.     Black Lives Matter: The movement. 

  • What is it? When was it formed and why?   

  • What is Black Lives Matter seeking to do? 

  • How has Black Lives Matter impacted the world?  

  • What are some of the movement’s accomplishments?

  • How has Black Lives Matter been received by society?  

  • Who are the key people involved in the movement?  

  • How did our society reach the point where this movement became necessary? 

  • What other interesting information did you find?


2.  Police and the Media: The media’s portrayal of police brutality.

  • What is police brutality? What is excessive force?

  • Look at some of the big names we think of when considering excessive force:

    • George Floyd, Trayvon Martin, Tamir Rice, Michael Brown, Stephon Clark

    • Is there a pattern?

  • What has happened to officers these cases?  

  • How does officer training impact what happens during these situations?

  • How has the US responded to these incidents?

  • How have police officers been portrayed in the media?  

  • How does the media influence the messages we receive?

  • What other interesting information did you find?


3.   Tupac Shakur: The influencer.

  • Who is Tupac? For what is he most known?

  • What are some of Tupac’s biggest accomplishments?

  • Look at Tupac’s legacy - how is he still such an important figure years after his death?

  • What messages did Tupac try to share through his music? 

  • How did his music influence society?

  • Why is Tupac considered a political activist? 

  • How did Tupac inspire Angie Thomas when writing The Hate U Give?

  • What other interesting information did you find? 


4. Complexities of Gang Culture:  The main point of contention.       

  • What are gangs? What are their purpose?

  • What does gang culture consist of? How is it created?

  • What are some patterns that gangs follow? 

    • What are some actions (e.g. “tagging”) associated with them?

  • Are there different roles within a gang?

  • How is gang culture dangerous?

  • How are gangs impacting today’s youth?

  • How are gangs portrayed in media? Literature?

  • What other interesting information did you find?



Remember, your 10-minute presentation should consist of the following:

  • Information from at least 5 credible sources,

  • Photographs,

  • A video clip, and

  • Citations for anything used in your presentation.


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