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English: I Must Betray You


Before you begin reading Ruta Sepetys’ I Must Betray You, we would like you to research and build background knowledge in order to better understand the characters and the situations they face. 

 Learning Target: I can enhance my background knowledge surrounding the topics discussed in the upcoming novel by:

  • collecting relevant information from multiple sources and 

  • synthesizing the information in a way that is appropriate for my audience.

Getting Started:

 Always start with the encyclopedia: quick easy to read overview



Then check out these eBook overviews:

 Gale Ebooks:  ebook  ebook  ebook  ebook


Actual Books!





  Biography  Research   High School   world history  : Romanian Revolution  world news digest


Questions To Think About

Getting Started: For your topic, answer the questions below. It is up to your group how you organize and present this information. You should include photographs, illustrations, or videos to help your audience understand your material. You can always add more info than what is listed below, but be sure to cover at least that information. Find your group and topic and start researching! 



  • What is communism?

  • What are the five characteristics of Communism?

  • What are some communist countries of the past?

  • What are some famous communist leaders? (Pick two to research)

  • What are some countries that currently follow a communist system?

  • What is life like in most communists states?

Dictatorship/Totalitarian Governments

  • What is a dictatorship?

  • What are some types of dictatorships? (Research two)

  • What are countries that have had dictatorships in the past? (Pick two to research)

  • What are some examples of countries that still are ruled by dictators?

  • What can citizens do or not do in a dictatorship?

Romania/Romanian Life (Present Day and 20th Century)

  • When was Romania first established as a country?

  • What type of governments has Romania had? (Democracy, Totalitarian, etc.)

  • What was life like in Romania from World War II until 1989?

  • What was the Roman Revolution?

  • What is present day Romania like?

Iron Curtain

  • What is the Cold War? 

  • How did it come into being?

  • What is the Iron Curtain?

  • Which countries were most affected by the Iron Curtain?

  • What was life like for people living in countries that were “behind” the Iron Curtain?

  • How did the Iron Curtain “fall”?

 Nicolae Ceaușesca

  • Who is he?

  • What is his background?

  • Did he have a family?

  • How did he grow up?

  • How did he get involved in politics?

  • What was he trying to prove?

  • How did he get people to support him?

  • How is he responsible for the deaths of Romanian people?


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