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Over the course of the semester, we have focused on the following LEARNING TARGETS:
For this exam you will demonstrate your ability to manage your time and utilize resources in order to compose an essay that analyzes the way in which an American short story reflects the following:
As you begin your research, you may find it helpful to have a place to start. Below I have listed some of the Dewey Decimal Classification Numbers that will be most helpful to your research.
These are the areas within the media center where you can find print resources to aid you in your research.
SC--Story collections
810--American Literature
813--American Fiction
Below is the link to our library online catalog. Use this link to find any usable print resources.
“The Possibility of Evil” Shirley Jackson
“The birthmark” Nathaniel Hawthorne
“Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow” Kurt Vonnegut
“A Christmas Memory” Truman Capote
“A clean, well-lighted Place” Ernest Hemingway
“To Build a Fire” Jack London
“The gift of the Magi” O. Henry
“The Lottery” Shirley Jackson
“Everyday Use” Alice Walker
“The Yellow Wallpaper” Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Hacht, Anne Marie, ed. Literary Themes for Students: The American Dream. 2 vols. Detroit: Gale, 2007. Literary Themes for Students. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 12 Jan. 2016.
Smith, Jennifer, ed. Short Stories for Students. Vol. 14. Detroit: Gale, 2002. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 12 Jan. 2016.
Moss, Joyce. Literature and Its Times Supplement 1: Profiles of 300 Notable Literary Works and the Historical Events that Influenced Them. 2 vols. Detroit: Gale, 2003. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 12 Jan. 2016.
Werlock, Abby H. P. The Facts on File Companion to the American Short Story. New York: Facts on File, 2000. Print.
Online encyclopedia provides quick and easy to read overviews of topics..
Offers authoritative reference content alongside magazine and journal articles, primary sources, videos, audio podcasts, and images. Covering a vast array of people from historically significant figures to present-day newsmakers, it’s continuously updated to ensure that students have access to the very latest information.
Provides a complete overview of our nation’s past that covers the most-studied events, decades, conflicts, wars, political and cultural movements, and people.