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Curriculum and Resource Based Learning

     Reading, writing, and information literacy are the primary focus areas in the library media curriculum, but ALL subject areas are also supported, integrated, and facilitated. Through resource based learning the teacher and the library media specialist collaborate and guide students through the research process where students discover their information needs as they locate, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate, information in a variety of formats.

     The Library Media program is dedicated to providing opportunities for students to become life-long readers and writers, as well as literate and responsible information creators and users.



Information and Technology Standards for Students:

     "By the end of Grade 12, all students will be independent, competent, responsible and confident users of information and technology and able to apply related strategies for acquiring basic skills and content knowledge, collaborating with others, communicating ideas, solving problems and pursuing personal interests." (This quote is taken from the CT Information and Technology Literacy Framework)

Standards for the 21st Century Learner


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