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Welcome U.S. History Students


This is your class website. Here, you can find important information about your class.


Be sure to take a look at:

  • The Syllabus (found at the bottom of the page)
  • Class Expectations (found in the syllabus)
  • Upcoming Projects
    • EssayCauses of the Civil War

October: Civil War: Were the social, political, and economic costs of the C.W worth the gains?

  • Webquest
  • Strengths and weaknesses of the North and South
  • Battle timeline- are timelines important?
  • Station activity: ramification of war gallery walk
  • Gettysburg address: reword it for modern era
  • Develop a thesis activity: develop a thesis statement based on primary sources

November: Civil Rights 

  • Due Monday- Top five most influential events of the Black civil rights movement
  • Unsung Hero Project


    The Civil Rights Movement is famous for the leadership that arose out of it. In school we constantly hear about the “heavy hitters” like Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, and Abigail Adams.

    Your task is to identify and read about an unsung hero of the American Civil rights movement. Once you have become an expert on your chosen hero, create a presentation that outlines their role in the African American, Woman’s Rights/Suffrage, Native American Civil Rights or Minority Civil Rights movement and their legacy afterword. Your presentation must be at least 5 minutes long and cannot exceed 7 minutes.

    Your presentation can be in the form of a PowerPoint, Prezi, Interview, Video, Mock Documentary, or any other creative idea that can be shown in front of the class. 

January: Prepare for Mid Terms- Essay

January - February:

  • American Industrial Revolution : Robber Barons or Captains of Industry
  • America expands: what new moral, social, and political dilemmas did America face in a fast paced, changing world 
  • Start research to select a topic for final paper/presentation In June: 3 days of media center time provide. majority of research is outside of class



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