South Elementary School

Mrs. Weppler

Mrs. Weppler's Reading Class


Teaching Model: Reading Workshop

This workshop includes:

a focused mini-lesson with teacher modeling and student engagement,

independent reading time for students including time for individual and group conferences with teacher,

partner discussions,

whole group, individual student, and teacher sharing,

read aloud, word work activities to improve upon word recognition and decoding strategies

We love our Jots!


Students should be reading for at least 20 minutes a day for now and it will increase as the year progresses. Students will be required to fill in their reading logs daily as they become accustomed to our routines.  Later in the year this log will also include a place for students to reflect on their reading in written form.  Please make sure this is being done each day as homework.

*** Other reading assignments may be given as well.***

7 Ways to help your child:

1. Read to them, with them, or allow them to read to you DAILY

2. Model reading and writing DAILY (show them that you read and write everyday- even if it is just a grocery list!)

3. Read to them, with them, or allow them to read to you DAILY 

4. Motivate and excite children to want to read and write

5. Read to them, with them, or allow them to read to you DAILY

6. Praise risk taking in reading and writing

7. Read to them, with them, or allow them to read to you DAILY



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