We believe that every student deserves to be instructed at a level that appropriately challenges them and provides activities that both engages and motivates them. Therefore, providing instruction that is differentiated by student readiness, interest, and learning style is important. Although this is a daily challenge for our teachers, we understand how crucial it is in order to assure that students experience tasks they enjoy, are engaged in and are inspired by. No longer do we tolerate teachers who see themselves as the “sage on the stage,” rather they are to consider themselves, “the guide on the side.” The lecture technique is only one manner of teaching. Expecting our students to be active participants in their own learning is our goal. Questioning, debating, interviewing, researching – these are the teaching techniques that are models for greater participation by our students.
The teachers and administration of Windsor Locks provide for the organization and implementation of student-centered instruction such that:
- students are offered a consistent, challenging curriculum with accountability for high standards;
- activities are designed to respond to students' questions, challenge their thinking, and encourage them to inquire further;
- students learn and mastery key concepts and skills;
- students learn how to organize and present ideas and materials;
- students are encouraged to work at their own pace in acquiring skills which are defined by high performance standards;
- students learn concepts in a meaningful context where materials and activities build upon the positive and enriching aspects of their cultural and family backgrounds;
- students reflect upon prior knowledge to link new ideas to familiar ideas;
- students learn to evaluate their own work;
- students have access to, and are instructed in the use of, print, non-print and technological resources which accommodate different learning styles and abilities;
- students have frequent opportunities to locate, evaluate, and use information and technology resources;
- student assessment is a frequent, ongoing activity and is used to make informed instructional decisions for optimum student growth in all subject areas; and
- student assessment is multidimensional and open to students' diverse means of demonstrating competence while maintaining high standards
We, in Windsor Locks, are committed to providing each and every student with an environment that is challenging, active, visually appealing, organized, and engaging.