Windsor Locks Public Schools proudly offers the
State of Connecticut Seal of Biliteracy to eligible graduating seniors
What is it?
Public Act 17-29 signed by the Governor on June 26, 2017 allows local or regional boards of education to ax the “Connecticut Seal of Biliteracy” on the diploma of students who have achieved a “high level of proficiency in English and one or more foreign languages.”
A recognition of students’ academic eorts, to see the tangible benefits of being bilingual and biliterate, and being prepared to live and work in the 21st century.
Who can Earn the Seal?
All Connecticut students, in either private or public schools, are eligible to receive the Seal of Biliteracy based on achieving the designated levels of language proficiency.
(Students must be in grades 10, 11, or 12 to be eligible to receive the Seal)
How do you Earn the Seal?
What are the benefits of assessing for proficiency and awarding the Seal?
● Recognize best teaching practices, programs that teach for proficiency, and local boards of education and communities that support languages.
● Celebrate heritage and native speakers who have met proficiency targets in English and other languages.
● Provide colleges and employers information about students’ language abilities.
For more information please visit:
CT State Department of Education