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A variety of assessments are utilized in our district for a multitude of purposes.  It is our practice to pre-assess our students in order to assure that every student is exposed to new information and never expected to sit through content they have learned previously. In the Windsor Locks School district, the major tasks of curriculum and instruction are to develop literacy and the ability to solve problems in a broad range of core subject areas; to develop computational skills and an understanding of mathematical concepts; to encourage inquiry so that students can ask questions and find answers in all fields of learning; to help students make interdisciplinary connections that bring together knowledge, skills and methods of inquiry from various subject areas; and to respond to different learning styles and levels of ability and development. 


Teachers and students utilize  iReady Math K-8, Reading tools mClass for grades K-2 and iReady for grades 3-8 throughout the year, using three diagnostics to gather comprehensive information in order for teachers to personalize instruction while students are able to set and work towards reaching their own goals for learning. 


Students in grades 3-8 engage in CT's Smarter Balanced Assessment  as well as grades 5, 8 and 11 NGSS Spring assessments. 

PSAT/NMSQT administration for students in grades 9, 10 and 11 occurs in October and School Day SAT administration for students in grade 11 occurs in March. Please review the SAT Question and Answer guides in English or Spanish


Please look at our District Assessment Calendar [Link] for the complete 2024-2025 schedule throughout the school year!

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