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The May 2018 School Counseling Newsletter is now available to view. It has important information and dates regarding AP testing, SAT testing and other necessary information needed as the year comes to an end. Please go to:
Below is the link to purchase Music Man Jr. tickets online -
The April 2018 School Counseling Newsletter is now available for review.
Go to: for important information and school counseling events.
Attention seniors! Yearbook Recognition Ads are DUE NO LATER THAN APRIL 1st. Anything submitted after April 1st will not be accepted. Please see Miss DiGiuseppe or Mr. Waterman with any questions.
Are you interested in helping our school to remain accredited? To you want to have a voice in reflecting on the progress our school has made? Do you just need community service hours? Come to an informational meeting about becoming part of our New England Association of Schools and College Self-Reflection Committee. We will meet in Mrs. Krupa's room on Friday during Raider Block, so schedule yourself accordingly. Can't wait to see you there!
The March School Counseling Newsletter is now available for viewing. Please go to to read up on important dates and information for our students.
This year's course selection process will take place in students' Social Studies classes for Grades 9-11. Teachers will be providing recommendations for students in Power School starting the week of March 12th and course selection will take place on March 22nd and 23rd. Students will now be able to view courses and their descriptions for the 2018-2019 school year by accessing the Program of Studies on line - please see attached Program of Studies. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Mrs. Deborrah Ramirez - Director of School Counseling at
Program of Studies link: Program of Studies