Contact Information:

Ms. Taika Bilbo



Classroom Mission and Vision:

To create a positive, collaborative, student-centered classroom environment where the student is the worker and responsible for their learning. Students will persevere through rigorous mathematical problems, engage in collaborative groups, and use technology extensively to enhance, extend and apply their knowledge.


Behaviors of the Exemplary Student:

As I strive to be an exemplary teacher, so too do I expect you to be an exemplary student. The observable behaviors of an exemplary student include the following:


  • Interacting with or using technology to enhance your learning related to a given lesson
  • Conducting yourself according to agreed-upon and previously-taught expectations
  • Engaging in effective and efficient routines and transitions
  • Activating your prior knowledge of the content and skills relating to the learning target
  • Demonstrating that you own the learning target
  • Understanding and articulating the purpose or goal of what you are doing
  • Conducting appropriately scaffolded, self-directed activities to fulfill the learning targets
  • Producing evidence of utilizing some kind of strategy that you have been taught previously
  • Using language and vocabulary of the content, process and strategies that you are learning
  • Self-assessing to determine your progress towards meeting the learning target
  • Utilizing problem solving strategies as you apply your learning to new situations and contexts
  • Challenge and hold each other accountable to achieving the learning target
  • Visibly represent your understanding of learning targets, enduring understandings and essential questions
