Child Development I is the study of how children grow physically,, emotionally socially, intellectually and morally from birth until age two. Students plan a six week preschool program for 3 and 4 year olds. In that program, they are assigned teaching responsibilities that include Head Teacher and Assistant.  Baby Think it Over Babies are taken home for a two night stay in each student's home.

For more information, please see the syllabus below:






Course #:                                 Title: Child Development I                             Credit: .5



Upon successful completion of Child Development I, students will:

·       Analyze career paths within early childhood education and childcare services.

·       Analyze prenatal care procedures that are vital to the proper development, healthy birth, and future of the child and his/her family.

·       Analyze the roles and responsibilities of parenting including changes parenthood brings.

·       Examine the physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development of children from conception to age two.

·       Demonstrate appropriate guidance and discipline principles when working with children.

·       Demonstrate the responsibility of caring for newborns by simulating parenthood using Baby Think It Over Babies

·       Plan, organize, and design a 6 week preschool program for 3 and 4 year olds.

·       Score 80 or above on content specific reading assignments.




Unit One:        Introduction to child study – Aug. 1 week

Unit two:         Careers in Child Development – Sept. 1 week

Unit Two:        Teen pregnancy – Sept. 2 weeks

Unit Three:      Contraception – Oct. 1 week

Unit Four:        Prenatal development and birth – Oct. - 2 weeks

Unit Five:        The baby’s 1st year – Oct.  – Nov. 3 - 4 weeks

Unit Six:          The child from one to two – Nov. – Jan. 6 weeks

Unit Seven:      Preschool lab – Nov. – Jan. 6 weeks

Unit Eight:       Baby Think It Over – Ongoing throughout the semester         



  • Preassessments to determine readiness, interest and learning profile.
  • Formative assessments to check for understanding.
  • Summative assessments
  • Authentic assessments
  • Quizzes
  • Written finals
  • Homework
  • Baby Think it Over
  • Pre school – participation, planning, head teacher, assistant teacher
  • Journal
  • Research paper
  • Discussions




            Summative Assessments– 50%

            Classwork – 20%

            Labs/Projects – 30%


            Final Exam = 20% of your final grade




  • Completes homework
    • Notebook
    • Assigned work
  • Participates in class discussions
  • Conducts self in appropriate manner
  • Being on time and prepared for class
  • Respecting and listening to others
  • Responsible use of technology
  • Using Appropriate Language
  • Maximizes time on task


            Habits of Work is graded in the following manner:

  • ES –  exceeds standard
  • MS – meets standard
  • PS –  progressing toward standard
  • LP –  limited progress




             The Developing Child, Holly Bribane, 2006.






1. Attendance: If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to see me as soon as possible for makeup up work. This work must be made up within 1 week to receive full credit.

(REMEMBER: 4 unexcused absences = loss of credit.)

2. Tardiness: It is important to be in class on time and seated when the bell rings. If you are late, sign in. Frequent tardiness will result in after school detentions on Wednesdays and phone calls home. Please see your Student Handbook for more information. Note: If you arrive to class more than 10 minutes late, it will be considered an unexcused absence.

3. Grades: Grades will be updated in Power School within 1 school week. It is your responsibility to review your grades regularly and bring any discrepancies to my attention.

4. Notebook: You need to keep a small notebook with all handouts and notes. This will be collected and graded on the days we have tests.

5. Homework: The separation of homework from numeric grades is a significant school-wide shift at WLHS. The school is distinguishing between What you learn and Habits of Work. Your numeric grade becomes more reflective of what you know and are able to do. Don’t misunderstand!! Homework is still graded. It is an important tool to further your education. You still need to do it consistently in order to succeed in class.

6. Makeup Work: Late work should not be confused with make-up work. Late work refers to assignments that for whatever reason you have chosen not to complete on time. Make up work is assigned when you are absent from class.

7. Extra Help: I am available before and after school as well as 2nd and 7th periods. I am also available on Wednesdays after school.

8. Passes: You must have an entire agenda with your name written at the top of the page in order to leave class. Sign out.

9. Cell Phone Policy: There will be a basket in the front of my room for cell phones. If you choose not to put your phone in the basket and I see it, you will automatically have a Wednesday detention no matter what!!

10. Work Ethic: Always do your best. Students are expected to contribute in the classroom and preschool settings.



I have read and understand the course syllabus, expectations and grading policy as stated above. Place this signed sheet in the front of your notebook.


___________________________________ Student


___________________________________ Parent


___________________________________ Parent’s email address



