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This course is designed to give students the opportunity to plan and prepare "special events" menus for brunches, dinners, parties, and other celebrations. A prerequisite of either Introductory Culinary Skills or International Foods is required.


Students work in "Kitchen Families" that help support the idea that families need to sit down at dinner to discuss their day. Students are assigned tasks during lab using a "Job Rotation Sheet" that includes everything from being the head chef to being the dreaded dishwasher!! Each lab is graded using a rubric that includes culinary techniques, familiarity with the recipe, clean up, behavior, and evaluation of the final product.

Topics studied so far include puff pastry, filo dough, brunch casseroles, crepe baked alaska, and pasta - all with artful presentation in mind.

The text book for the course is Exploring Professional Cooking.

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