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A little history:
I initially became inspired to become a social worker while watching a movie about Helen Keller. She became my hero as she had many obstacles to overcome in her lifetime and yet she utilized her potential to reach her capacity. Did you know she graduated from college and became a great humanitarian?
"No pessimist ever discovered the secrets of the stars, or sailed to an uncharted land, or opened a new heaven to the human spirit." ~ Helen Keller
I believe that the human spirit is an ever changing entity and therefore no matter how difficult the task ,as a school social worker ,I remain optimistic that positive change is always possible when working with children and/ or families.
My credentials;
I received a B.S. from Southern Connecticut State University in Special Education. After working in a state diagnostic unit for eight years as a teacher and crisis counselor, I continued on to the University of Connecticut and received a Masters in Social Work. I have been a full time social worker in the Windsor Locks school system for the past 23 years. During that time I was trained through Boys and Girls Town in Omaha, Nebraska to conduct parenting classes.I just received updated training in the Well Managed Classroom which is heavily correlated with the parenting program I conduct. I spent time at Central Connecticut State University working on my sixth year in Leadership and decided my passion was not here. I just finished nine new courses at University of New England so that I have a refreshed command of strategies that will help our children learn. This summer I attended classes on the study of stress reduction and cutting edge neuroscience study. Much has been learned about how the brain works and I share this information whenever possible in my work. Needless to say I continue to learn many techniques for helping children maximize their potential and it's "all" research based. I am a strong advocate for all children in our system.
I’d like to believe that with my training and multiple experiences, I have the ability to help children and or their families when experiencing difficulties...
P.S. Raised two children of my own.
12/26/24 11:02 PM