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Resource is...

  • a place to improve concerning academic skills (ie. reading, writing, math, study skills, organization)
  • a place to complete extra practice on skills and concepts tested on CAPT
  • an opportunity to work on homework, projects, long-term assignments, study for tests and quizzes, etc.
  • a chance to get help with work you do not understand
  • an opportunity to learn strategies that will help you be more successful in your classes

You can make the most of Resource by...

  • keeping track of what assignments are due and when they are due for each class
  • coming to class with the necessary materials to work on your assignments
  • coming prepred to use the time wisely; ie. working
  • taking advantage of opportunities to learn new academic and study strategies

During Resource time you are expected to...

  • treat fellow classmates, teachers, and property with respect
  • demonstrate appropriate behavior
  • keep a daily log of assignments
  • avoid interfering with the learning of others
  • take responsibility for meeting your academic obligations.



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