South Elementary School is having a food drive!!
Please bring in a non-perishable food for the Windsor Locks Food Pantry.
Items that are needed are:
- Peanut butter
- Canned Vegetables
- Cereal
- Pasta/Pasta Sauce
- Canned soup
- Dessert Mixes
Please place food in the food drive box near the office!!
Thank you!!!
The November School Counseling Newsletter is now available for you to view. Please go to: in order to view important dates and events happening with your student and the school counselors. If you have any questions please contact Deborrah Ramirez - School Counseling Director at
South Elementary School Veteran’s Day Sing-a-Long Celebration
Thursday, November 9, 2017
1:30 – 2:15 PM, South Elementary School Gym
All Veterans, Active Service men and women, and family
members are invited to join the faculty and staff of SES
to honor our brave military men & women.
Light refreshments will be available for our Veterans
ATTENTION SENIORS, if you have not scheduled your senior portraits, you need to see Miss DiGiuseppe (Room 207) ASAP. We are scheduling for appointments at WLHS in November. In order to be included in the yearbook, you NEED to have your picture taken!!
South Elementary School - Red Ribbon Week
October 23 thru October 27
MONDAY - Be a "Jean"ius - Wear Jeans
TUESDAY- Team up against Drugs! - Show your favorite team spirit
WEDNESDAY - Red Ribbon Spirit - Wear Red
THURSDAY - Your future is too bright for drugs! - Wear Neon Clothing
FRIDAY - Follow your dreams - Don't do drugs - Wear PJ's/Sweats
The October School Counseling Newsletter is now available for your viewing. It contains important dates and events that are happening in the school counseling department and within the school for your students. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Ramirez at