Windsor Locks Public Schools

English Language Learners

Reading in the Mother Tongue

(First Language)             


      Research shows that providing many opportunities for your child to read in his/her first langauge is a very important and valuable activity.  Your child will be able to build many concepts and vocabulary that will transfer easily when your child becomes ready to read in English.


   Below are some helpful strategies for enhancing your child's first langauge:

1.  Teach the alphabet and sounds (English will come later)

2.  Read aloud in your native language.  Point to the pictures, name objects and talk about what is happening in the story.

3.  Engage in conversation about the story.  Have your child tell you orally the beginning, middle and end.  You add in the events that help round out the story.

4.  When your child might not understand a word or phrase, stop and take time to talk about it.  Use gestures, drawings or pantomine to help understanding.

5.  Use words in different ways and sentences to help with meaning.

6.  Let your child take the lead and try to "read" (tell) the story.

7.  Do a picture walk before reading the text.  This means tell the story only through the pictures.  This helps students really look for details in the pictures that expand vocabulary and enhance the story.

8.  Always praise your child's efforts in responding and communicating.

Try to read every night, but if that is not possible don't stress out.  All the exposure you offer your child in the first langauge will easily be transferred to the second or third language.   The most important factor is consistency in sustaining the mother tongue.

Click on the links to find where to buy bilingual books.  


Class Links:
  • Language Lizard
    This site has bilingual language products in over 40 languages.
  • Culture for Kids
    This site has many bilingual books in languages such as Gujarati, Tamil, Korean, Chinese, Arabic, to name a few.
  • Lee & Low
    This site offers books about many diverse topics for children.
  • Il Cocco di Mamma
    This site offers European language products. Click on books to find many Dr. Seuss titles in Italian.



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