Teacher Resources

Carol Hurst's Children's Literature Web Site: A wonderful collection of literature reviews, lessons and themes in Children's literature.  http://www.carolhurst.com/

AskEric: The place to go to find educational journal articles. AskEric boasts that it provides 110,000 full text materials for educators. http://www.eric.ed.gov/

Educators Reference Desk: Resources for educators from the Information Institute of Syracuse. http://www.eduref.org/

Lexile site: Locate a book's lexile number, get lexile measures, or just learn about lexiles on this site http://lexile.com

Readability Calculator: test a documents readability by copying and pasting the text at this site.http://www.online-utility.org

TrackStar: A site where teachers can create interactive on-line lessons, or use activities that other teachers have created. This site also links to: RubiStar (rubric site); QuizStar(quiz maker); and NoteStar. http://trackstar.4teachers.org

WebQuest Portal: An extensive collection of WebQuests (inquiry-oriented activities that use Internet based information) http://webquest.orgEvaluating Web Sites: A web quest for teachers that is used to evaluate a web site.  http://mciunix.mciu.k12.pa.us/~spjvweb/evalwebteach.html

Kathy Schrock's Guide to Everything: Educational technology pages with abundant links from this well known educational technologist. http://www.schrockguide.net

Internet Mathematics Library: A Math forum that provides links to math topics and educational resources.  http://mathforum.org/library/


Parent Resources 

Family Education: Learning network's site that provides parenting advice, family links and current topics of interest to families  http://familyeducation.com/home/

FunBrain: A family resource that provides educational games and kid friendly sites..  http://www.funbrain.com/

Just craft recipes: From bubble recipes to body paint, this site tells you how to make them all at home.  http://www.melborponsti.com/crafts/index.shtml

