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This year I co-teach a 7th grade  reading class (with Mrs.

Prather), a 7th grade math class(with Mr. Howe), and a 7th grade science class (with Mr. Condon) .    I work

with the teachers to help them differentiate

instruction for  the students in class, and to provide extra support

to the class when needed.  I also teach a small group reading class

in my room.

    I would STRONGLY encourage parents to check your child's

 agenda every night to see what homework has been assigned.  This

 will also keep you updated on whether or not the assignments are

 being turned in!  Any assignment not completed will be stamped as

not turned in by the individual teacher.

   I will be working with my students during a 7th period 

study skills class.  We usually get a lot accomplished during this time.

   If any of my students finish an assignment before leaving my

room, I will write finished in the agenda and initial the

 assignment.  I never initial half-finished work or work left in

lockers--I need to see results before I signLaughing  Check their

agendas to see what was accomplished, and what is left to do.

As you can see from my comments, the agenda is an important tool

that facilitates communication between school and home.  Please

check it on a daily basis.  I appreciate your help in this matter.

"Fair does not mean equal in a differentiated classroom.  Fair means meeting

 the needs of students according to their readiness levels and styles of



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