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I have been working in the field of Special Education for over 25 years! I have the chance to work with students who really care about who they are, and what they want to do with their lives. Everyday is a new day, which gives me a great outlook on life.

     I also am a parent of a child with special needs, so not only do I work in this field, but I live in it as well. I have experienced all the anxieties, fears, and problems that come with having a child with special needs. Through my daughter, I have learned to see the world with "new eyes", what some people consider small, can be a mountain to others. We are very active in the Special Olympics program as coaches and team parents.


     My oldest daughter, Megan, just graduated from Colorado State University with her degree in veterinary medicine. She and her  husband live in Arizona where she is a practicing doctor in a large animal clinic.  Kate is a working girl, having finished a community/vocational program. Joe is in college studying to be - yes - a teacher!

     As a family, we are very active in many sports. We ski, run, hike, kayak, and since we have acquired a power boat, fishing has become the latest pastime. I can brag that we all hiked up Mt. Washington  - twice -(Kate's comment when we got to the top was “We could have driven up here???”)… and then we hiked back down, which is much  harder on the legs.

      I have 2 ADHD dogs to add to the confusion, an older Border Collie and a Springer Spaniel.The dogs do keep us in shape – every day they need a good run or some catch.  A good read for dog lovers are Jon Katz's books about his Border Collies at Bedlam Farms.


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