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             Welcome to 8th Grade Science with Mr. Condon

Newton's Laws of Motion



Date Class Notes Homework Assignments
6/11 I can prepare for Friday's test on Bridges Bridge test Friday
6/10 I can describe how my bridge will handle tension and compression Bridge test Friday
6/9 High Meadow Bridge test Friday
6/8 I can describe how my bridge will handle tension and compression

Bridge test Friday

Peer Evaluation

6/5 I can use the knowledge I gained through experiments to design an effective bridge. Bridge test next Friday

I can use the knowledge I gained through experiments to design an effective bridge.

Self -assessment

Bridge testing & Presentation on Monday

Bridge test next Friday


I can use the knowledge I gained through experiments to design an effective bridge.

Bridge Presentation

Bridge testing & Presentation on Monday

Bridge test next Friday

6/2 I can use the knowledge I gained through experiments to design an effective bridge.

Review 2 - Bridges

Bridge testing & Presentation on Monday

Bridge test next Friday

6/1 I can use the knowledge I gained through experiments to design an effective bridge. Take the next step for your bridg
5/29 I can use the knowledge I gained through experiments to design an effective bridge. Take the next step for your bridg
5/28  8.4a – 12 - Bridge design is influenced by the length of the span, the properties of the materials, and the environmental conditions Bridges Review Worksheet
5/27 I can use the knowledge I gained through experiments to design an effective bridge. Bridge Engineering Lab Reflection
5/26 I can use the knowledge I gained through experiments to design an effective bridge. Take the next step for your bridge labs
5/22 I can conduct experiments to test the compression & tension strengths of paper

Re-Write AK Essay for additional credit - Due on Tuesday

Complete Reflection when you have done all 4 labs

5/21 I can conduct experiments to test the compression & tension strengths of paper Re-Write AK Essay for additional credit - Due on Tuesday
5/20 I can conduct experiments to test the compression & tension strengths of paper Re-Write AK Essay for additional credit - Due on Tuesday
5/19 I can conduct experiments to test the compression & tension strengths of paper Take the next step for your bridge labs.
5/18 I can conduct experiments to test the compression & tension strengths of paper Take the next step for your bridge labs.
5/15 Career Survey Take the next step for your bridge labs
5/14 I can conduct experiments to test the compression & tension strengths of paper Take the next step for your bridge labs
5/13 I can conduct experiments to test the compression & tension strengths of paper Take the next step for your bridge labs
5/12 I can express my understanding of the state standard: 8.4a – Bridge design is influenced by the length of the span, the properties of the materials and the environmental conditions, as well as by practical considerations, such as the bridge's appearance, cost of materials, or construction site challenges Take the next step for your bridge labs
5/11 I can express my understanding of the state standard: 8.4a – Bridge design is influenced by the length of the span, the properties of the materials and the environmental conditions, as well as by practical considerations, such as the bridge's appearance, cost of materials, or construction site challenges. Take the next step for your bridge labs.
5/8 I can design & conduct accurate tests of tensile & compression strength

Prepare Graphic Organizer for Essay on Monday:

Civil Engineers learn from previous successes, and even failures, as they design and build bigger and safer bridges.   Today the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge in Japan is the longest suspension bridge ever built.  What lessons did its designers learn and implement from previous bridges to build such a spectacular structure?


I can design & conduct accurate tests of tensile & compression strength

For each task:

  1.  Write the question in your Black Lab Notebook
  2. Write a hypothesis – “If, then, because” statement. Identify the Independent & Dependent Variables
  3. Get Mr. Condon’s approval.
  4. Write a set by step procedure
  5. Get Mr. Condon’s approval
  6. Conduct experiment and Record the data
  7. Graph your results
  8. Write Conclusions:
    1. What Happened: Did your results match your hypothesis?  Use Data to prove your statement.
    2. What experimental & human errors existed & how did they affect your results?
    3. How might the knowledge you gained effect the construction of your bridge?
  9.  Get Mr. Condon’s approval

Create experiments to answer the following questions.

  1.  How does the thickness of paper effect the tensile strength of the paper?
  2. How does the shape of a column effect its compression strength?
  3. Which type of joint has the most tensile strength?
  4. Which type of truss provides the most compression strength?
Take the next step for your experiment.  Write procedure, draw graph, or write conclusions.

I can use a rubric to assess the writing of others



Watch Big, Bigger, Biggest - Bridges for in-school May 11 Assessment
5/4 I can describe the different types of bridges, their advantages & disadvantages. Watch Big, Bigger, Biggest - Bridges for in-school May 11 Assessment

I can describe forces which affect bridges

Force Notes

Tacoma Narrows Bridge Collapse

Watch Big, Bigger, Biggest - Bridges for in-school Assessment on May 11
4/30 I can describe how beam's thickness affects a bridge's strength

Both Lab's Due Tomorrow:

Lab - Paper Bridges - Beam Thickness

Lab - Paper Bridges -  Beam Length

4/29 I can describe how beam length affects a bridge's strength Complete Lab- Paper Bridges - Beam Length
4/28 I can understand why knowledge of bridges is necessary as a citizen Continue work on Big, Bigger, Biggest Notecatcher - Flipped Classroom

Reproduction & genetics retakes this week afterschool

I can use my knowledge of genetics to make predictions

Laura Video 1 video 2

Big, Bigger, Biggest Notecatcher

watch video at

4/17   Have a restful vacation
4/16   Friday - Quiz on Punnett Squares & Pedigrees
4/15   Friday - Quiz on Punnett Squares & Pedigrees

Heredity Review

Friday - Quiz on Punnett Squares & Pedigrees


 I can explain how DNA contains enough much information to make me who I am.

What is the structure of DNA?
    Shape is a double helix (twisted ladder)
        sides of ladder are made of sugar & Phosphate
        rungs of ladder are made of nucleotide pairs
            A - T  and  C - G
What is a Codon?  How many are there?
    Codons are sequences of 3 nucleotide pairs, such as AAA, CAT, TTG, etc.
    There are 64 known codons
    Codons make it possible for DNA to carry alot of information.  
        There are 64 codons, but only 26 letters in the English Alphabet
        DNA has more information than all the books ever written.

Pedigree for Sickle Cell Anemia
Friday - Quiz on Punnett Squares & Pedigrees.
4/10 I can interpret a simple pedigree catch up on missing work
4/9  I can ask good questions Pedigree Introduction
4/8 I can explain how traits are passed from one generation to the next Genetics Review & Word Search
4/7 I can explain how traits are passed from one generation to the next Turn in Leprechaun Genetics, Punnett Square Practice, & Word Search with 5 vocab words on back - if you haven't.
4/6 I can explain how traits are passed from one generation to the next Presentations Tomorrow

I can explain how traits are passed from one generation to the next

Poster Presentations
Your goal is to prove to me that you understand how traits are passed from one generation to the next.  This is the state standard.
You should be able to use proper terminology such as allele, heterozygous, p-generation, etc.
and be able to use your paper pets to trace both dominant and recessive traits from P to F1, even if those traits are hidden.  
Finally, can you predict an F2 Generation?

Lunar Eclipse Saturday Morning around 6am - Check it out.
4/1 I can use a Punnett Square to determine the phenotype of offspring F1-generation Complete Conclusion "Questions"
3/31 I can describe the genotypes of my parent pets (P-generation) Complete Punnett Squares for Paper Pets
3/30 I can describe how genetics is being used to treat cancer 1/2 posterboard for Paper Pets Project
3/27 I can use genetic vocabulary properly Vocabulary
3/26 I can use Punnett Squares acurately Leprechaun Genetics

I can use Punnett Squares to Predict Inheritance


Punnett Square Practice

I can express my understanding of human development

Solving a Genetic Mystery Article

Ask a Biologist Website - a good resource for further discovery

Genetics Word Search
        On back, pick 5 new words and find/
                            record their definition
3/23 I can prepare for a test on human development

Test Tuesday

Review Study Guide

3/20 I can prepare for a test on human development

Test Tuesday

3/19 I can prepare for a test on human development Review Pregnancy
Test Tuesday
3/18 I can describe Gregor Mendel's work Dominant & Recessive Traits
3/17 I can honestly reflect on the Meiosis Video Project CMT Science tomorrow
            Period 3 - Bring a reading book/magazine, etc, leave your cellphone in your locker or prepare to turn it in to your teacher
3/16  I can complete the production of a meiosis video

Review - Meiosis

CMT Science on Wednesday

3/13 I can participate positively in the production of a meiosis video Celebrate pi Day tomorrow at 9:26am  {3.1415926}

I can participate positively in the production of a meiosis video

Check out this video.  Thanks Darrien!

Continue to refine your video production - Titles, captions, labels, new materials, etc. - as assigned by your peers
3/11 I can describe meiosis Meiosis Video Storyboard
3/10 I can differentiate between mitosis & meiosis Compare & Contrast Mitosis & Meiosis
3/9 I can describe how meiosis creates haploid germ cells Human Sexual Anatomy Review
3/5 I can describe the development of a baby Review - "Life's Greatest Miracle"
3/4 I can follow along & keep notes during the video Newton Scooter re-submissions due ASAP
3/3 I can help others understand the events of pregnancy Complete summary using RATE format
3/2 I can help others understand the events of pregnancy Improve poster or lab notebook to improve grade.
2/27 I can work help others understand the events of my assigned trimester Complete Summary of three trimesters.
2/26 I can work collaboratively with my peers to interpret a trimester of pregnancy.  Timeline Data Parent Letter for Life's Greatest Miracle
2/25  I can identify the male & female reproductive anatomy correctly.

Parent Letter for Life's Greatest Miracle


I can identify the male & female reproductive anatomy correctly.

State Standard:  Describe the structure and function of male and female reproductive systems including the process of egg and sperm development.

Parent Letter for Life's Greatest Miracle

View video:  :

2/23 Explain how simple machines are used to create mechanical advantage. Simple Machines: Levers & Pulleys
2/13 I can explain how the simple machines work. Extra Credit Project during Vacation
2/12  I can explain how the three types of levers work. Extra Credit Project during Vacation
2/11 I can describe the Engineering Design Process Get Progress Report signed - catch up on missing work
2/10 I can describe the Engineering Design Process Get Progress Report signed - catch up on missing work
2/6 I can use the Engineering Design Process to complete my Newton Scooter

Newton Scooter Poster, vehicle, & Lab notebook due Monday (or whenever we next meet)

Alternative Project for some students

1/30 I can employ the Engineering Design Process to improve my Newton Scooter

Move your project forward

Due Date: February 6th

1/29 I can follow the Engineering Design Process to solve the Newton Scooter Problem Bring materials to move your Newton Scooter Design Forward
1/28 I can organize my folder of past work Newton's Third Law Worksheet
1/23 I can describe Newton's Third Law of Motion  Clean meat trays  & empty 2-liter bottles for Newton Scooters
1/22 I can use Newton's 3rd Law to design a device to move across the lab table Videos & Paragraph due tomorrow
1/21 I can explain Newton's Third Law of Motion

Go to my wikipage and post a video showing Newton's Third Law of Motion in action.  Write a paragraph describing the law and how your video is a good example of the law.

You may have to sign up for the wikipage

1/16 I can complete Experiment #2 with accurate data

Complete booklet

Rough Drafts by email to Mr. Condon by Monday - optional

Final (typed) draft due Wednesday January 21

Rubric & Example

1/15  I can collect accurate friction data to support my proposal Written Procedure for Experiment #2
1/14 I can establish an accurate control Be caught up to Experiment #1

I can describe the characteristics of a good open response

Goals for the week: (in Agenda)
    Complete both experiments by Friday
    Your Proposal needs to be typed and turned in (hardcopy or emailed) by Wednesday January 21

Complete Friction Page
1/9 I can show my understanding of Inertia, Forces, and Gravity Read the Moby Duck Story in your Shipping & Sliding Booklet and then answer the Story Analysis Questions
1/8 I can solve math equations accurately Study for the test tomorrow

I can prepare for the test tomorrow

Inertia, Force, & Gravity

Review #3 - Gravity
Test Thursday - Inertia, Force, & Gravity
1/6 I can explain the tilt of the earth and why my error is what it is. Review #2 - Force
Test Thursday - Inertia, Force, & Gravity
1/5 I can calculate the tilt of the earth Review#1 - Inertia
Test Thursday - Inertia, Force, & Gravity
12/23 I can calculate the Tilt of the earth Enjoy the break & catch up on work you are missing
12/22 I can calculate the Tilt of the earth Newton's Laws on Gravity- the Movie
12/19 INCENTIVE Catch up on missing work  
12/18 I can describe how gravity and Newton's laws of motion are used in the movie. Movie Permission Slips

I can describe how gravity and Newton's laws of motion are used in the movie.

Gravity - The Movie

Movie Permission Slips
12/16 I can Show my math. Catch up on missing work
12/15 I can describe the differences between Newton's & Einstein's Gravity
Gravity on Other Planets
12/12 I can describe the differences between Newton's & Einstein's Gravity Have a nice weekend
12/10 I can explain how mass, distance, & Gravity are related
Gravity Worksheet
12/9 I can differentiate between friction & gravity
Friction & Gravity
Complete Lab - Force & Acceleration if not done
12/8 I can explain how unseen forces affect my results ry an hour of coding at
12/5 I can calculate the slope of a best-fit line & its error
Homework:  Enjoy the weekend for those who have all their work done,  get you kiester in gear and catch up if you are already behind.
12/4 I can accurately measure force and acceleration Complete Data Analysis & Graph

I can accurately measure force and acceleration

Lab - Force & Acceleration

Come Prepared to class tomorrow to go outside & collect Tilt of Earth Data

I can describe Newton's Second Law of Motion

Force Outline

Force in an Auto Accident

State Standard 8.1.b: An unbalanced force acting on an object changes its speed and/or direction of motion

I can describe Newton's Second Law of Motion

Complete Chart for Force
11/26 I can describe examples of Inertia from sports

Complete lab if necessary

Uranus - Catch up on missing homework from the week - Poster and 5 examples from sports

Lab - Measuring Momentum

Lab - Momentum During Collisions

11/25 I can analyze the momentum during collisions


            1.  Restate hypothesis.  Right or Wrong.  Use data to support your claim.

            2.  What sources of error were there.  Show effect by stating data examples.  How did you minimize error?  Column E shows the amount of error - why is error high in some places and low others?

            3.  What did we learn about conservation of Momentum.  What more could we learn?  How would we learn it?

Complete Conclusions


Uranus - Choose a sport, give 5 examples of Inertia from that sport.


I can analyze the momentum during collisions


I can provide real world examples of Inertia in many forms

Conservation of Momentum (Inertia)
        Amount of momentum which enters a collision is equal to the amount of momentum which exits a collision

Complete graph

Uranus - Complete Poster

11/19 I can participate positively in a science lab
Lab Participation Rubric
Complete Data Analysis from Measuring Momentum Lab  today
11/18 I can mathematically describe a method for determining the change of speed which occurs during collisions.

Cut out or Print a Photo of Inertia - Write a caption describing how it represents Inertia.


11/17 I can mathematically describe a method for determining the change of speed which occurs during collisions. Retakes of Quiz (<42/60) this week
11/14 I can describe examples of inertia Have a good weekend

Ct State Standard 8.1a the motion of an object can be described by its position, direction of motion, and speed

I can define and describe Inertia

     Inertia - an object's resistance to a change in motion.

     Newton's 1st Law of Motion - Law of Inertia:  An object at rest will stay at rest and an object in motion will continue in a straight line at the same speed until an unbalanced force is applied.

List and explain 10 examples of Inertia you encounter today.
11/12 I can show my understanding of Velocity & Distance -Time Graphs Turn in work you are missing tomorrow    

I can do math in science

Review of Math in science

Review of Distance & Time Graphs

Study your past homework & classwork

          Review of Distance-Time Graphs

           Velocity and d/t Graphs

           Math Practice

           Momentum & World Series

11/7 I can participate positively in a classroom discussion Quiz on Wednesday

I can actively participate in a world cafe reading.

Americans want flight restrictions

Ebola transmission

Are Quarantines Legal?

Ebola Travel Crisis

Write Ebola Essay

I can actively participate in a classroom discussion regarding Ebola.

Surviving Ebola - NOVA Video

11/4 No School - Professional development.  
11/3 I can actively participate in a classroom discussion regarding Ebola. Catch up on missing Homework
10/31   Happy Halloween - Be Safe if you go out tonight
10/30   Review of Distance Time Graphs

I can use distance - time graphs to make predictions

Velocity & Distance Time Graphs
10/28 I can accurately create distance - time graphs Watch for the rocket launch at 6:22 tonight.

I can graph & interpret  distance & time data

Average Velocity

                V average = total distance ÷ total time

                                Example:  V average = 59.3 miles/ 70 minute = 0.85 miles/minute


Instantaneous Velocity

                V I = change in distance ÷ change in time

                                Example:  V i = 8 miles – 5 miles / 55 minutes – 50 minutes = 3 miles / 5 minutes

= 0.6 miles/minute

Check out Mars, near the moon, tonight
10/24 I can use distance versus time graphs to analyze motion
Complete lab if not done.

I can edit conclusions for accuracy.

Analyzing Conclusions

Complete lab Conclusions

Conclusion: (written in paragraph form)
    1.  Restate your hypothesis, were you right or wrong, use data to support this claim.

    2.  Sources of error - Experimental vs. human, what impact do they have on your results, how can they be controlled in the future

    3.  What is the next step?  What did we learn from doing this experiment?  Now, besides redoing your lab, what else could we learn about the topic (falling objects) what question would you try to answer, what is your hypothesis, briefly, how would you test (experiment) this?

10/22 I can  accurately analyze data to make conclusions

Write conclusions in lab notebook

Lab - How does mass affect velocity

10/21  I can collect accurate data
  Graph mass vs. velocity in your lab notebook

I can design an accurate test of my hypothesis

lab - Mass affect on Velocity

Momentum - World Series
10/17 Salem Trip  
10/16 I can write a strong conclusion
Conclusion: (written in paragraph form)
    1.  Restate your hypothesis, were you right or wrong, use data to support this claim.

    2.  Sources of error - Experimental vs. human, what impact do they have on your results, how can they be controlled in the future

    3.  What is the next step?  What did we learn from doing this experiment?  Now, besides redoing your lab, what else could we learn about the topic (falling objects) what question would you try to answer, what is your hypothesis, briefly, how would you test (experiment) this?
Astronomy Retakes Today
10/15 I can write a strong conclusion

Astronomy Retakes Today & Thursday

Lab - How does height affect the speed of falling objects


I can collect and analyze accurate data

Lab - How does the height of a drop affect an object's speed?

Math Practice Worksheet

Astronomy Retakes today, Wednesday & Thursday

10/10 I can use math to describe motion Columbus Day on Monday
        Study for retakes

I can use math to describe motion

Math in science
1.  write formula
2. substitute what you know
3.  Solve with Units of measure

Study for retakes
10/8 I can self-assess my understanding Retakes on Thursday or afterschool next week
10/7 I can express my understanding of the relationship between the sun, earth, & moon Lunar Eclipse between 5 - 6 AM tomorrow morning
10/6 I can prepare for tomorrow's test Test Tomorrow  - Study 2-pocket folder & complete Review of Astronomy
10/3   Team Building Day
10/2 I can present my team's review activity Test on Tuesday next week
10/1 I can help my team prepare a review activity for the class  
9/24 I can explain the difference between an equinox and a solstice Review - Earth, Moon, Sun System
9/23 I can explain the difference between an equinox and a solstice Field Trip Permission Slip for Team Building Day - Oct 2nd

I can accurately read and create a graph

Entrance Ticket

Graphing Light

Its a great morning for viewing the moon

I can predict the length of a planet's year, knowing its distance from the sun.

Graphing Rules

Graph - Planet Distance vs. Year

Posters due tomorrow - check your rubric

I can explain how the Heliocentric Universe replaced the Geocentric Universe

Geo vs. Heliocentric Universe

Posters due on Wednesday

 I can describe the orbits of planets and how our understanding has changed over time. (same as yesterday)

Geocentric vs. Heliocentric

Tonight is good to observe the moon (moonrise at 9:21pm / moonset Saturday around noon(will be visible in morning))

I can describe the orbits of planets and how our understanding has changed over time.

Notes:  Day vs. Year

Astronomy Crossword #1

Sign up for Poster work/help afterschool by door


I can provide constructive advice to others on their posters

Poster Gallery Walk

Moon Observation Chart

I can create an accurate poster which shows how the location of my world affects the conditions on the world.


Complete poster tonight - remember its a 1st draft

Final Draft Due September 17

Make moon observation if you were unable to do so yesterday

9/8 I can create an accurate poster which shows how the location of my world affects the conditions on the world Check out the moon tonight.  Write down three observations you make
9/4 Objective:  I can explain the orientation of the sun, moon, & planet during eclipses

Draw a picture of your world as it might look for someone standing on it.

9/3 Objective:  I can read scientific information accurately

Fold an Origami Pigeon

Angry Bird Article


Objective:  I can describe the relationship between the earth, moon, and sun -

Tides & Eclipses

Distance to earth

I can collect data about the world I have been assigned to research


World's Project  (1 & 4)

I can place Earth in its proper position in the Solar System (periods 3 & 5)

I can define the information needed to understand a planet, moon, or other world. (periods 1 & 4)


 Remember to sign up for Remind (3 & 5)

Begin research on your world (1 & 4)

8/26 Objective:  I can unpack the state standard for Astronomy:  How does the position of Earth in the solar system affect conditions on our planet?

Purchase Classroom supplies if necessary.

Sign up for Remind


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