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Welcome American Studies Students


This is your class website. Here you can find important information. 


Be sure to take a look at:

  • The Syllabus (found at the bottom of the page) 
  • Class Expectations (found in the syllabus)
  • Upcoming Projects
    •  Essay: Columbus Day as a Holiday? 


  • Colonial America
  • Summative assessment: Advertising in Colonial America
  • Get your field trip form signed!!!  25 + lunch


  • Wednesday the 7th- Chapter 2 & 3 test-

December: The Foundations of our Nation:

  • Over the next month, we will be discovering how the colonists eventually decided that they needed to break free from England and the events that lead to the Declaration of Independence
  • We will do an in-depth study of the Declaration he language used, structure, and persuasion.
  • A co-class project will be due after winter break: students will create their own "Declaration" to the administration on how our school could improve

January: Prepare for Mid Terms- Essay

January - February:

  • American Revolution how our Founding Fathers fought for independence. Case study's and research
  • Start research to select a topic for final paper/presentation In June: 3 days of media center time provide. majority of research is outside of class




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