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The first unit of Psychology II focuses on a branch of psychology known as Developmental Psychology. In this field, psychologists are concerned with how people grow and change throughout the life span. This unit of study is organized into 3 sections: Infancy and Childhood, Adolescence, and Adulthood. We will explore how we develop physically, socially, cognitively in each stage of life and how these changes effect our behavior. 


Chapter 10: Infancy and Childhood


Learning Target 
What is Developmental Psychology? I can explain the main issues that developmental psychologists are concerned about studying. 
Physical Development

I can explain how babies develop physically during infancy.

I can determine if physical development occurs in stages or is continuous. 

I can analyze if there are critical periods of physical development. 

Social Development: Attachment, Contact Comfort, Imprinting 

I can explain and analyze the factors that affect the social development of children. 

Social Development: Effects of Child Care I can evaluate the effects of day care and pre-school on the development of children. 
Social Development: Self-Esteem I can explain the factors that positively or negatively effect a child's self-esteem. 
Social Development: Parenting Styles

I can explain the four styles of parenting and determine their effects on the development of children. 

I can create a short story that applies my knowledge of the effects of parenting styles, attachment, contact comfort, and child care on the social development of children.

Cognitive Development: Piaget's Theory  
Cognitive Development: Kohlberg's Moral Theory   


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