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One of our essential questions for this course to find out why we do what we do. How we learn our behavior is an essential component in understanding our actions. In this unit, we focus on three ways humans learn their behavior: classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and cognitive learning. 


Learning Targets: 

Topic  Learning Target
What is conditioning? I can explain the meaning of the term "conditioning" and how it relates to psychology. 
Classical Conditioning

I can identify the 5 components of classical conditioning. 

I can explain when and why to use classical conditioning.

I can analyze examples of behavior to determine the elements of classical conditioning. 

Famous Classical Conditioning Experiments 

I can evaluate if Pavlov's Dogs and the Baby Albert experiment were ethical. 

I can create a plan to extinguish the behaviors that the dogs and Baby Albert learned through their respective experiments. 

Operant Conditioning   
Famous Operant Conditioning Experiments   
Classical vs. Operant Conditioning  
Cognitive Factors in Learning   


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