Welcome to Mr. Tedone's Wonderful World of Mathematics!
I have your kids in either Algebra 2 H, Pre-Calculus A or H. Please take a minute to view my website. Feel free to contact me at jtedone@wlps.org or 292-5841 with any questions or concerns.
Mission Statement/Vision/Behaviors
A. Mission Statement:
I believe that:
Public education is our world’s greatest institution and I am honored to be called to serve that institution.
- It is my responsibility to create the conditions where all of my students can realize their full potential.
I must provide them a safe environment built on mutual trust and respect, enthusiasm and curiosity.
I am committed to continuous improvement and collaboration with all the stakeholders of our community.
I will implement the curriculum with fidelity and observe instructional best practices.
- I will plan rigorous, relevant and differentiated lessons, provide feedback and create data-based interventions.
In order to:
- Empower each and every one of my students to achieve more than they believed was possible.
B. Our Class Vision: Guided by the above mission, together we will:
Be engaged and motivated students working both independently and collaboratively
Develop our problem solving, critical thinking, communication, and math content skills
Assess our development of those skills on a growth model and actively seek interventions needed for mastery
Make meaningful, personalized connections between those skills and the real world.
- Become 21st century, career- and college-ready learners and confident, informed, responsible global citizens.
C. Behaviors of the Exemplary Student: As I strive to be an exemplary teacher, so too do I expect you to be an exemplary student. The observable behaviors of an exemplary student include the following:
Interacting with or using technology to enhance your learning related to a given lesson
Conducting yourself according to agreed-upon and previously-taught expectations
Engaging in effective and efficient routines and transitions
Activating your prior knowledge of the content and skills relating to the learning target
Demonstrating that you own the learning target
Understanding and articulating the purpose or goal of what you are doing
Conducting appropriately scaffolded, self-directed activities to fulfill the learning targets
Producing evidence of utilizing some kind of strategy that you have been taught previously
Using language and vocabulary of the content, process and strategies that you are learning
Self-assessing to determine your progress towards meeting the learning target
Utilizing problem solving strategies as you apply your learning to new situations and contexts
Challenge and hold each other accountable to achieving the learning target
- Visibly represent your understanding of learning targets, enduring understandings and essential questions