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A. Grading: Your quarterly grade will be derived from the following categories in the following distribution:


  • Summative Classwork…………………………………………………………………30%
    1. Description: Assignment supported by workshop-style lesson(s): (teacher-modeled introduction, independent practice, group presentations, corrections/revisions, & teacher-led critique & debrief)
    2. Examples: textbook- or worksheet-based daily skills practice, performance tasks, projects & labs
    3. Purposes:
      • To provide practice and repetition necessary to master math content standards
      • To promote collaboration, inquiry, critical thinking, problem solving, and presentation skills
      • To clarify expectations of (and thereby prepare for) summative assessments


  • Summative Assessments……………………………………………………………….70%
    1. Description: Independent demonstration of skill & concept mastery (multiple choice & open-ended formats, calculator and non-calculator portions, partial credits for work shown where appropriate)
    2. Examples:
      • Standard Quiz (30-50 minutes, 30-50 points) – ex: Factoring quadratics in ax2 + bx + c form
      • Unit Test (60-90 minutes, 100 points) – ex: Solving, Graphing & Applications of Quadratics
    3. Purposes:
      • Demonstrate mastery of all standards within a given unit
      • Show readiness to progress to the next unit of study within the course


B. Summative Classwork Policy:  Any Summative Classwork not submitted by its deadline can still be turned in as late work until the end of the current marking term. Any work not submitted by the final day of the current marking term will earn 40%. All graded Summative Classwork assignments can be corrected and resubmitted anytime before the current progress report or report card. Corrections will earn an additional portion of the remaining available points for that assignment.


C. Evaluating Your Habits of Work: Separate from your numeric grade based on the measures above, you will be evaluated on a daily to weekly basis on the following four Habits of Work:


  • Homework Completion
  • Participation in Class Discussions
  • Conducting Yourself Appropriately
    1. Being on time and prepared for class
    2. Respecting and listening to others
    3. Responsible use of technology
    4. Using Appropriate Language
  • Time on Task


These four Habits of Work will be reported as separately on your report card according to the following scale:


  • ES - Exceeds Standard
  • MS – Meets Standard
  • PS – Progressing toward Standard
  • LP – Limited Progress


The separation of homework from numeric grades is a significant school-wide shift at WLHS. The intent is to distinguish between the reporting of WHAT you learn (content standards) and HOW you learn it (Habits of Work). To be clear, homework is still graded. You still need to do it consistently in order to master standards and succeed on tests and quizzes. However, by reporting homework completion (as well as participation, conduct and time on task) separately, your numeric grades become more reflective of what you know and can do. Your habits of work scores can help you and your parents understand why you are struggling and what to do about it. Furthermore, as WLHS continues to develop interventions and supports to help you succeed, the Habits of Work provide clear expectations about what you can do to earn those additional supports.


D. InterventionsYour Habits of Work grades will determine what kind of interventions (extra time, support, instruction, additional assessments) you will receive to help you reach mastery of the standards within a given unit. WLHS is moving toward a grading system that will only have three options: A, B and NOT YET. Therefore, if you score poorly on a test or quiz, you may earn an opportunity to re-take that assessment based on the following:


  • MP or EP in all 4 Habits of Work: Have your parent or guardian sign the test and return it to me. Schedule a re-take of the test (outside of our class meeting time) within 5 school days of receiving the grade. You may review with me outside of class first. Your re-take score will replace your first grade.
  • PS or LP in any Habit of Work: You will need to meet some of the following expectations before you are eligible for the re-take opportunity described above. They include but are not limited to:
    • Revise, correct and resubmit all Summative Classwork assignments scored under 70%
    • Meet for extra help with one of the four math intervention teachers during the school day
    • Initiating an e-mail or phone conversation between me and your parent or guardian
    • Completing Summative Classwork assignment at after-school Homework Club
    • Completing Summative Classwork assignment at Saturday Academy


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