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Extended Year 2018
June 24, 2018

Welcome to Extended Year 2018! 


We are excited for our fun theme of, "Build It, Grow It, Cook It." Students will work in rotating project groups to learn more about woodworking, gardening, and nutrition (cooking).  Students will also explore the areas of area, perimeter, and fractions in connection with the theme.  Finally, students will continue to read just right books while following characters closely.  


June 21-22, 25-29

July 2-3, 5-6, 9-13


Students will be going on a field trip to Collin's Creamery on June 29th.  Students will be able to experience the theme of, "Build It, Grow It, Cook It" through a real-world business.

Students will also end Extended Year with a celebratory trip to the WLHS pool on our last day, July 13th.



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