South Elementary School

Mrs. Belzek


Welcome to South Elementary Reading Department


This web page was created to share valuable information about reading.  We welcome your comments or questions. 


Contact us at:

Beth Belzek:

Heather O'Donnell:



Studies have shown that children who spend more time reading perform better academically.

So maybe you're asking, "How can I raise my child to be a good reader?"  Here are some simple but powerful tips:

  • Read to your child every day.  High school teachers have reported that even teenagers love it when someone reads aloud to them.
  • Show your child the value of reading by showing how you use reading every day from following road signs to reading labels when shopping.
  • Play word games to teach new words.
  • Take turns reading aloud.
  • Show that you are listening when your child reads by laughing at the funny parts or nodding your head to show you understand.
  • Limit the amount of TV and video games in favor of daily reading time.

If you have any questions or would like  more information, please contact any member of the Reading Department.




Here are some great reani-cat[1].gifading web sites for parents and students.  Check them out and let me know what you think:


Scholastic Parents  - Find book suggestions, teacher tips, and parent-to-parent advice on raising a child who loves to read.

Scholastic Kids - interactive pages where kids can play with their favorite book characters, read about new books, and see software reviews

Storyline Online- Streaming videos of stories read aloud by famous people.  (This is one of my favorite sites!)

Reading Rainbow - online educational resource for stories, games, and puzzles.


1) Mosaic of Thought: Teaching Comprehension in a Reader's Workshop (Paperback) by Susan Zimmermann and Ellin Oliver Keene

2) Reading is Fundamental (RIF)

3) San Ramon Valley Unified School Districut


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