South Elementary School

Mrs. Ragion

Chapter Four

Laughing In math we are currently working on fractions for Morning Work. 

Helpful hints!

* When making an equivalent fraction, whatever you do to the top you do to the bottom (or whatever you do to the bottom you do to the top!)

*To make an equivalent fraction you can only multiply or divide, never add or subtract

*When trying to add or subtract fractions, make sure the denominators are the same.  If they aren't the same, make them the same by creating equivalent fractions using common denominators.

*To find a fraction of a number you need to divide your whole number by the denominator and multiply that number by the numerator!

Class Work

We are just beginning a chapter on division.  As I've mentioned to the students, it's very important to know your multiplication facts, please practice them at home. 

Accelerated Math

Accelerated Math ais a computer based program that allows students to move through math ojectives at their own pace.  Students are expected to complete an assignment every Wednesday and Friday.



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