South Elementary School

Ms. Cutler

Three Things Every Parent Must Know about helping your child with Reading

Here are four easy things that you can do to almost immediately improve your child's reading ability: 

Think out loud while you are reading. Your thoughts should not be a secret. Share your thinking with your child, as you are reading. Share what you are wondering, what you don’t understand, and questions you have.                  

Being able to retell stories is an indicator of your child’s ability to comprehend the text. Work on retelling stories by looking at the pictures after you have read and using them as a guide. Then, try retelling the story without the pictures. Tell your child that you’re making a “movie in your mind” so that you can “see” the story. Adequate retellings include the characters’ names, important events, and many supporting details.

Oral reading fluency rate is a good predictor of reading success. If your child is reading too slowly, he/she will not be able to read the text in its entirety. If he/she reads too quickly, your child is probably not comprehending what was read. Reading should sound like natural language and it should flow. If your child is having difficulties reading fluently, make sure your child is reading texts at his/her independent level, texts that are easy for him/her.


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