South Elementary School

Extended Year 2018

Welcome to Extended Year 2018! 


We are excited for our fun theme of, "Build It, Grow It, Cook It." Students will work in rotating project groups to learn more about woodworking, gardening, and nutrition (cooking).  Students will also explore the areas of area, perimeter, and fractions in connection with the theme.  Finally, students will continue to read just right books while following characters closely.  


June 21-22, 25-29

July 2-3, 5-6, 9-13


Students will be going on a field trip to Collin's Creamery on June 29th.  Students will be able to experience the theme of, "Build It, Grow It, Cook It" through a real-world business.

Students will also end Extended Year with a celebratory trip to the WLHS pool on our last day, July 13th.



Round 2 Extended Day 2017-2018

Round 2 dates: January 31, 2018- March 22, 2018


This round will focus on addition and subtraction of large numbers to support current classroom instruction.



Round 1 2017-2018

This round of Extended day will focus on supporting math concepts taught in the classrooms during unit 1.  

Round 1 dates:

Begins Wednesday, November 8th and ends on Thursday, December 21st, 2017

** New this year... students will be dismissed at 4:00.

Math Games Information

Why Play Math Games?

By Kitty Rutherford, April 27, 2015, Excerpt taken from NCTM (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics)

People of all ages love to play games that are fun and motivating. Games give students opportunities to explore fundamental number concepts, such as the counting sequence, one-to-one correspondence, and computation strategies. Engaging mathematical games can also encourage students to explore number combinations, place value, patterns, and other important mathematical concepts. Further, they afford opportunities for students to deepen their mathematical understanding and reasoning. Teachers should provide repeated opportunities for students to play games, then let the mathematical ideas emerge as students notice new patterns, relationships, and strategies. Games are an important tool for learning in elementary school mathematics classrooms:

•     Playing games encourages strategic mathematical thinking as students find different strategies for solving problems and deepen their understanding of numbers.

•     When played repeatedly, games support students’ development of computational fluency.

•     Games present opportunities for practice, often without the need for teachers to provide the problems. Teachers can then observe or assess students and work with individuals or small groups of students.

•     Games have the potential to allow students to develop familiarity with the number system and with “benchmark numbers” (such as 10s, 100s, and 1000s) and engage in computation practice, building a deeper understanding of operations.

•     Games support a school-to-home connection. Parents can learn about their children’s mathematical thinking by playing games with them at home.

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