South Elementary School

Mrs. Corbo-Vogler

Welcome to 

Mrs. Corbo-Vogler's

Grade Three Website



Personal motto: All students can achieve every day in different ways using their knowledge, skills and effort to learn, grow, and succeed!

Personal information: I was born in Italy and came to the United States when I was five.  Growing up in a new country, it was sometimes a challenge to understand the language, culture and diversity of my new school, new neighborhood and new home

I became a citizen of the United States when I was 13.  Since I was fascinated with the diversity in my adopted country, I majored in history and political science in college.  Then I returned to school to receive my education degree.

Teaching and reading are two of the top activities I enjoy.  Being with family, my husband and friends is also on the top of my list.  Finding new places to explore with my husband, Dan, is also a favorite way to spend time.  In addition, we have two cats; Little Willie and Miss Caroline. 

Our classroom schedule:

We begin our day with the pledge of allegiance and morning meeting.  The morning meeting begins with the class greeting, share, whole class activity, and news/announcements.

After morning meeting, word work flows into Reading Workshop (RW) at 9:00.   RW begins with a mini-lesson, independent reading time with a "just-right" book and sharing time - with reading partner or whole class.

Writing Workshop (WW) after snack follows the same format as reading workshop.  Students have writer's notebooks for their entries and for writing "small moment" stories.

Recess begins at 10:40 followed by lunch at 11:00 - students bring their lunches, money, and coats to recess with them. 

Specials are in the afternoon and begin at 12:55 for 45 minutes on the days listed below:

Monday - PLC - GYM (shortened)

Tuesday - GYM

Wednesday - MUSIC

Thursday - ART

Friday - LIBRARY

The afternoon continues with Math Workshop (MW) and begins with a warm-up review, objective/learning target and group or partner activity.  Read aloud, social studies, computer or science may end the school day.

Please be sure to sign your child's reading log, writer's notebook and student planner Monday-Thursday.  If you have any questions or concerns, the student planner is one of the ways to communicate with me.  You can also call (860) 292-3952 and leave a voicemail or email me at

I am looking forward to this school year, sharing knowledge and experiences with a great group of new personalities and creating learning opportunities for the students and myself!    

Click on the links below to visit some informative websites:

Connecticut Curriculum Frameworks

Windsor Locks Public Library

Cool Poetry Website


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