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Internet Safety Concepts


Thu, Jan 16, 2020 - Thu, Jan 16, 2020


02:30 PM to 04:00 PM


Site Administrator

Internet Safety Concepts

Ever worry about your kid's safety when it comes to apps and online activity? We have an expert, Scott Driscoll, coming to speak on Thursday, January 16, from 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM all about internet safety.

Scott is a dynamic presenter who has lots of information around and experience with internet safety. We can't wait for you to hear what he has to say!

Join us! Free childcare and a ligScott Driscoll Internet Safetyht meal available to all who attend.

** This presentation is intended for parents/guardians/significant caregivers of WLMS and WLHS students. Students in those schools will see Scott's presentation later in the month. This presentation is meant for adults only. **

If you have any questions, please contact Jessie Lavorgna at 860-292-5751 or

Please note that this presentation will take the place of January's District and School Advisory Meeting.



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