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Special Education Advisory Council

Connecticut Parent Advocacy Center


CPAC now has a video presentation of the SEAC process as well as a page on CPAC's website about SEACS. For more information to be a part of Windsor Locks Public Schools SEAC group please contact Joshua Robinson, Director of Pupil Services.

CSDE Professional Support Series for Families

CSDE Professional Support Series for Families




Click here for the CSDE Professional Support Series for Families announcement containing the descriptions for each recorded session available and the links to access each session.

Special Education IEP Manuel

 Special Education IEP Manuel


WLPS Pupil Services Procedure Manual

Windsor Locks Pupil Services Procedure Manual. 

Please let me know if you have any questions regarding our procedural guidelines. 

Independent Educational Eval Criteria

Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE) Criteria

The Windsor Locks Public Schools employ certified staff such as school psychologists, special education teachers, school social workers, occupational therapists, physical therapists, and speech and language pathologists for the purpose of evaluating students with special education needs.  In some instances, parents may wish to exercise their rights pursuant to their Procedural Safeguards in Special Education to obtain an Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE) at public expense.  In the event that a parent seeks to obtain an IEE at public expense, or a Planning and Placement Team (PPT) seeks to obtain an outside evaluation of a student to obtain additional information regarding a student, the evaluation must meet the following criteria.  In the event that the evaluation does not meet the following criteria, the parent may still obtain the evaluation, but it will not be publicly funded.

According to state and federal special education laws, parents and guardians have the right to obtain an IEE at public expense.  The Windsor Locks Public Schools have established the following procedure for obtaining an IEE at public expense and selecting an appropriate evaluator.

Please click here to review the requirements for obtaining an IEE.

Special Services Transition Fair

Transition Fair               Transition Fair

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