We are so excited to begin a new year with the South Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)!
The South Elementary School PTO is an organization made up of parents, families, community, teachers, and administrators who are dedicated to supporting our students' success. There are many ways to get involved - there are things that can be done from home, such as box tops and organizing events; you can attend meetings and help make decisions; attend and help with events and fundraisers; and so much more.
Everyone is welcome to be part of this dynamic and fun group! It is a great way to get involved in your child's school while getting to know other parents and community, along with the teachers and administrators.
Please "like" us on Facebook - Windsor Locks South Elementary PTO and share the page with your Facebook friends.
Contact Information:
President - Robin Zenczak
Secretary- Open
Treasurer - Bernadette Nadeau
***The meetings will take place on the third Monday of each month from 6-7 pm at South Elementary School.***
Please feel free to come to all or any that you can!
In the event of inclement weather (school closing or early dismissal) or any unforeseen circumstances we will reschedule. Children are welcome & encouraged to attend.