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●  Join the committee that puts on our annual auction

●  Serve on the Scholarship committee

The members of this committee are involved in the selection of recipients, the Awards Ceremony and Reception, and helping with the details of scholarship administration, such as sending instruction letters to recipients, sending letters of intent to current donors, sending “matching” letters to institutions that match our students’ awards.
●  Serve on the Investment committee

Members of this committee are involved in such things are meeting with our financial consultants to oversee funds and making recommendations about yearly award amounts
●  Serve on the Publicity committee

Members of this committee try to get the word out about what we are doing and why.  This committee works on such things as drafting press releases, documenting events and speaking at other clubs and groups.
●  Help mentor students.

One of our goals for this current year is to partner with the middle school and secondary schools to institute or enhance a mentoring program in order to increase the number of WL students who further their education beyond high school. Volunteers for this endeavor would be gratefully accepted.
●  Anything else you can think of that will help our students.

Windsor Locks Dollars for Scholars always welcomes new members!

Contact Dollars for Scholars

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