Windsor Locks Public Schools

Food and Nutrition

Charging a Meal


The school lunch program is an extension of the Board of Education's educational programs. It is the Board's vision to have a partnership among students, staff, school family and community in offering access to and providing nutritious meals which are attractively presented at a reasonable price.


The Board of Education has an agreement with the Connecticut State Department of Education to participate in the school-based Child Nutrition Program and accepts full responsibility for adhering to the federal and state guidelines and regulations pertaining to these Child Nutritious Programs. The Board also accepts full responsibility for providing free or reduced price meals to qualifying elementary/secondary school students enrolled in the District. Meals are planned to meet the specified nutrient standards as outlined by the United States Department of Agriculture for children based on their age or grade.


Only parents/guardians have the ability to restrict the use of funds (i.e. lunches only, snack, ice cream on Fridays, etc.)


Although not required by law, the Board approves the establishment of a system to allow a student to charge a meal. However, funds from the non-profit school food service account cannot be used to cover the cost of unpaid charged meals. Moreover, federal funds are intended to subsidize the meals of children and may not be used to subsidize meals for adults (teacher, staff, and visitors). Adults are not allowed to charge meals and shall pay for such meals at the time of service.


The District strongly discourages meal charges, but understands that an occasional emergency makes it necessary.


The District policy for charged meals is a follows:


  • Elementary students, grades K thru 5will be allowed to charge three (3) meals only.
  1.  These meals will include only menu items. The School Food Service will inform students when they have a low account balance, or when they have begun charging.
  2. After the 2nd charge, parents will be notified by a letter and/or a phone call from the School Food Service Director.
  3. After the 3rd charge, the student may be given a designated menu alternate. (Sample: Cheese sandwich + Milk) Until all charged amounts are paid.
  4. The Board reserves the option to discontinue alternate meals should payment not be forthcoming after two (2) weeks' time.


  • Middle School students, grades 6 thru 8: will be allowed to charge only one (1) meal.


  • High School students, grades 9 thru 12: will be allowed to charge only one (1) meal.


The Board of Education is responsible for reimbursing the food service fund for outstanding lunch charges at the end of each school year per the United States Department of Agriculture as outlined in the State of Connecticut Department of Education Operational Memorandum 19-10.


This policy shall be included in student/parent handbooks, placed on the Board's website and the website of each school, and it shall be published at the beginning of each school year at the time information is distributed regarding free and reduced price meals.

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