North Street School

PE - Mrs. Dallesander
Jump Rope For Heart 2018
WRITTEN BY Catherine Dallesander ON February 13, 2018

Dear Parent/Guardian,

It’s time for Jump Rope For Heart!  This program teaches heart-healthy habits and helps the American Heart Association raise money for research and education that saves lives. 

Students will learn about the importance of taking care of their hearts.  Heart disease is the leading cause of death in America, but 80% of the risk factors are preventable.  As part of our program, your child can choose a heart-healthy message and share lifesaving tips.  There is also a parent corner online with tips on keeping your child healthy at home. 

Students will help others through this educational community service project. Your child has received his/her fundraising envelope. Start by setting up a personal fundraising page.

Students will make a difference in people’s lives!  Ask family and friends if they’d like to donate. Also, their donations can help us earn certificates for PE equipment so we can keep our students moving!

Thank you for your support!

Event Date:  In P.E. classes March 6th-9th


Envelopes Due:  March 7th

Sign Up HERE!



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