Back To School 2015-2016
A Germ-free Classroom
Minimizing the risk of illness is a healthy idea. Below are some ways to keep your classroom and school healthy, all year long. Educate your students and make them aware of their part and responsibility in helping keep your school environment and themselves healthy. Well-maintained schools not only minimize the spread of germs and illnesses but they also make students, school personnel and parents feel safe, valued and respected.
- Always cover coughs and sneezes. Teach students to cough into their elbows.
- Keep hands away from the eyes, nose and mouth.
- Wash hands often! Put sticky notes around to remind everyone. Students can police one another too!
- Learn how to keep your mouth off the drinking fountain and these should be cleaned daily.
- Don't share water bottles, hair brushes, or make up.
- Exercise! It keeps the immune system healthy.
- Sleep. Nothing cures and readies the body more than sleep.
- Backpacks. Have students wash their backpacks every weekend.
Have a safe and healthy school year.
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